
Hood Evangelist and Pastor Gino Joins New Christian Movement

As a resident of Atlanta Georgia, I have had the honor to be known as a Hood Evangelist and pastor of one of the largest Christian assemblies in the Southeast United States. I have witnessed first hand the hearts of souls who have walked with God and have been transformed. There is no other way that anyone can experience the power and authority of God unless they are willing to walk in the redemptive footsteps of Jesus Christ. In order for the Kingdom of God to operate most effectively we must have access to Jesus Christ. Through the grace of God we can accomplish just that!

The glory of our Lord Jesus Christ has revealed him to be the perfect Savior. He is the King of the church and all the kings in heaven stand with him. Jesus Christ is our perfect Redeemer. He accomplished our sin in precisely this way: by dying on the cross he paid the price for all sins. There is only one sacrifice that can put an end to our sin. Hood Evangelist and Pastor gino jennings

Many Christians don’t see this obvious truth because they are either afraid of God or they are too weak to face it. These same people try to manipulate others through fear and lies, telling them things that just aren’t so. They claim to speak for God while knowing that they do not. Such leaders are nothing more than Hypocrites. Jesus called them “hypocrites” because they talk falsely with evil men. If you have been misguided by such leaders, I encourage you to look at all the fruit and glory that you have received and compare it to what Jesus Christ accomplished for you.

Today, there is a new movement which is beginning to take root. It is the “Christian Light” movement which was started by controversial televangelist pastor Gino Joins and includes many other high profile leaders. While it is still in its earliest stages, it is already changing lives. Thousands upon thousands of people are being born again and the works of Jesus are being fulfilled.

Those who have experienced the healing power that the Christian Light has done know that it comes with a price. You must purchase and commit yourself to being a very intentional Christian. This means that you must make a personal choice each day to stop listening to those who would give you counsel and start listening to the comforting words of Jesus. If you truly want a life of holiness, then this transformation will happen naturally.

In my opinion, the greatest lesson that Joel Osteen could teach us has to do with perseverance. Those who have persevered are rewarded with great joy. We as people are blessed to have mentors like Joel Osteen. He has shared the good news with many people over the years. I am sure that he would be happy for you to share in that happiness by learning and implementing his teachings.